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In 2004 Catherine plays Ben a security tape that shows him trespassing on Elliot’s property. Ben says he tried to look into Elliot’s windows in search of some of the stolen property. Furthermore, Ben refuses to sign the order of protection, knowing that Elliot would never face him in court.
In 1941 Ben returns to his old house only to find it occupied by strangers. Like all Jews, the Solomons now live in the New Town ghetto. Otto tells Ben that his family refused to leave because Abraham is on the Judenrat and Dr. Weissbaum runs a clinic in New Town. Ben demands his family’s life savings of 60,000 zlotys. Otto says it is at his house; he didn’t trust Zeleinski, the new proprietor of Yaakov’s farm.
Otto drives Ben to the New Town ghetto, which Ben describes to Catherine as “the worst poverty you’ve ever seen” (164). After chastising Ben for returning, Abraham tells him that the Nazis ordered their dogs to maul Grandpa Yaakov to death. Because Joseph could not stand on his own, the Nazis sent him away. Meanwhile, Hilda is dying of typhus.
Unable to convince his father to leave, Ben decides to retrieve his money and return to Beka and Hannah that day. Otto claims he can only give him 500 zlotys on such short notice.
After a three-day ride, Ben returns to the cabin and finds it empty. He learns from Krzysztof that the Germans took Hannah and Beka away, probably to Zakopane or Rabka, a spa where young Jewish girls are forced into sexual slavery. Ben rides back to Yaakov’s barn as fast as he can, hitches Buttermilk, and goes to Zamosc, where he tracks down Elzbieta. She contacts Otto, who says he will visit Zakopane and attempt to retrieve Hannah and Beka.
Three excruciating days later, Otto returns with Hannah but not Beka. Hannah says both she and Beka were imprisoned in a Zakopane hotel awaiting Nazi officers to come and claim them as their concubines. Otto saved Hannah by pretending to take her as a sex slave. Tragically, Beka had already been taken by Dr. Frank to Rabka by the time Otto arrived, and Rabka is not open to lower-ranking officers like Otto. Ben demands that Otto lend him his uniform and car so he can save Beka, but Otto refuses. Ben is furious but feels he must stay on Otto’s good side if he hopes to save his sister. He asks Otto to find out more information about Rabka’s fortifications and says he will handle the rest.
The morning after Hannah’s return, she and Ben go to New Town and visit their families. Elzbieta arrives two days later and says she’s convinced Otto to let Ben use his spare uniform and a car but not his papers or anything else that could be connected back to him. That afternoon, Ben drives to Rabka and is let into the gates without being asked for papers. Ben finds the bordello area on the second floor but sees no sign of Beka. He invites a young Jewish girl named Lucyna into one of the private rooms and shows her Beka’s picture. Lucyna reveals that a mean and violent SS officer named Rolf took Beka away earlier to the corner bedroom.
Ben finds Rolf alone in the bedroom, propped up in bed in his underwear with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Rolf recognizes Beka from the picture, calling her a “Fucking cold bitch” (186). Rolf says that when Beka refused his advances, he tried to force himself on her. Rather than submit to Rolf, Beka said, “This is one Jewish girl you won’t violate” (186) and jumped out the window to her death.
Upon hearing this, Ben grabs a knife from the floor and plunges it into Rolf’s chest, holding it inside until the man dies. Lucyna witnesses this. Ben grabs Rolf’s gun and puts his arm around Lucyna, pretending to be a drunken reveler. They both escape to Ben’s car without drawing any undue attention.
At daylight, Ben and Lucyna return to New Town. Ben hides Rolf’s pistol and Otto’s uniform under a bed. Abraham and Leah are devastated to hear of Beka’s fate.
Back in 2004 Elliot tells Jeffers that his investigator, Carl Wuld, believes he has found Otto Piatek in Cleveland.
The next morning Walter Jenkins, the senior and founding partner of Jenkins & Fairchild, demands that Catherine drop the case. Catherine refuses, saying, “Fire me, if you want to. For now, I’m on leave” (200). Catherine departs with her future at the firm uncertain.
Ben continues his story: Using Otto’s uniform and Elzbieta’s car, Ben resolves to escape Zamosc with his family. But when he arrives at Elzbieta’s to ask Otto for his family’s money, Otto refuses because “it’s against the law” (204). After a confrontation, Elzbieta tells Ben that new orders are coming down displacing all the Jews in New Town to Izbica, a transit point to extermination camps.
Abraham and Dr. Weissbaum still refuse to leave, but Hannah agrees to escape with Ben. That night, Ben and Hannah travel on foot to Grandpa Yaakov’s. When they arrive, both Buttermilk and the wooden box of valuables are gone. With no horse or valuables to sell, escape is impossible, so they return to New Town. The next morning, Elzbieta—visibly bruised—arrives to retrieve Otto’s uniform.
For the next few months the family exists in New Town in a holding pattern. In February 1942, Ben marries Hannah in a makeshift ceremony. In early spring Ben learns of a secret resistance movement led by a man named Irek. At their mill house headquarters deep in the woods, the group plans to raid a shipment of weapons from a railroad depot in nearby Wojda.
By the end of Chapter 28, Otto’s transformation into a monstrous figure is largely complete. His theft of the Solomons’ property, his refusal to give back Abraham’s life savings, and his violent retribution against Elzbieta all indicate to Ben and the reader that Otto can no longer be relied upon in good faith. This transformation is slow and echoes much of what political theorist Hannah Arendt wrote in her oft-referenced 1963 book, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Arendt writes that Adolf Eichmann, despite being one of the chief facilitators of the extermination of Jews across Europe, was not a psychopath or even a fanatical believer of the Nazi cause. Rather, Eichmann was largely motivated by a desire for professional promotion that was utterly ordinary. She writes:
“The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither sadistic or perverted, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal. From the viewpoint of our legal institutions and of our moral standards of judgment, this normality was much more terrifying than all the atrocities put together.” (Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Viking Press. 1963.)
This characterization of Eichmann could also apply to Otto. His actions as a young teenager—particularly his heroic rescue of Beka—indicate that he is neither a psychopath nor a sadist. He does not enjoy committing atrocities, yet he deeply enjoys his professional status and the benefits that come with it. When Ben begs Otto for Abraham’s life savings, Otto’s response is to brag about his latest sexual conquest, afforded to him in large part because of his relatively high rank: “She’s a wild tiger, I tell you. She has my little soldier saluting her all night” (168). That Otto’s mind is preoccupied with such creature comforts at a moment of desperation for his best friend is deeply telling of his mental state and motivations. Like Eichmann, Otto thinks little of the consequences of his actions and those of his Nazi compatriots. He commits atrocities not in the name of evil but in the name of careerism. This truth doesn’t make Otto or Eichmann any less of a monster. It does, however, reveal how an otherwise ordinary individual is persuaded to commit crimes against humanity.
Later, when Otto decisively denies Ben his family’s life savings, he does so not on moral grounds but legal ones. He tells Ben, “It’s against the law for you to have it. If they change the law, then I’ll give it to you. But mind this warning: you and your family must obey the laws or face severe punishment” (204). Otto’s decision to relinquish his own moral and ethical standards in favor of a patently unjust system of laws reveals another way otherwise good or civilized people are persuaded to behave like monsters. Here, Arendt’s words are again deeply relevant. She writes, “In the Third Reich evil lost its distinctive characteristic by which most people had until then recognized it. The Nazis redefined it as a civil norm.” (Arendt, Hannah. Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil. Viking Press. 1963.) In other words, when the laws and actions of the state normalize evil, normal people like Otto are tacitly permitted to engage in it.
In Chapter 26, which focuses on Ben’s attempt to save Beka from Rabka, the book examines a less well-known reality of Nazi cruelty: the forced prostitution of young girls and women in German military brothels. Throughout Poland and the rest of Nazi-occupied Europe, Jews and non-Jews alike were kidnapped and conscripted into sexual slavery. Women between the ages of 15 and 25 were particularly common targets for Nazi sex rings. When Ben says, “I thought it was forbidden for SS officers to have relations with Jews,” Otto curtly replies, “Don’t be naive” (174). This again reflects the extent to which Nazi officers are motivated less by ideology and more by base yet ordinary human desires twisted into ugly predation by the state’s mass dehumanization of non-Germans.
Meanwhile, the way Balson frames Beka’s specific experience at Rabka reveals something about the book’s gender politics. Rather than submit to Rolf’s sexual appetite, Beka prefers to die, throwing herself out the window and thus preserving her purity for all eternity. Before doing so, Beka tells Rolf, “This is one Jewish girl you won’t violate” (186). While this is undoubtedly a noble act of resistance, one could argue that it reflects a tacit accusation of shaming leveled at the women who do submit to the officers because they have no other choice if they hope to survive.
Finally, along with Otto’s transformation, these chapters depict the end of Catherine’s transformation from disinterested skeptic to fully invested ally to Ben. The turning point comes when Catherine learns of Beka’s suicide, which deeply affects her. She tells Ben, “I need to stop here. I’m exhausted—physically and emotionally. I feel like I lost a friend today. I want you to finish your story, but I can’t absorb any more today” (191). With this newfound passion, however, comes great self-doubt in her ability to serve Ben as her client. Catherine tells Liam, “I don’t have [Ben’s] strength of character. This is too lofty an assignment for me” (193). Her commitment is steeled, however, when her boss Walter Jenkins tries to force her to drop the case. She tells him, “Mr. Jenkins, I’m ashamed of you. For what? For justice, that’s what! I’m not abandoning this case. I’ll work the file out of my house if I have to. Fire me, if you want to. For now, I’m on leave” (200). From this point forward, Catherine’s chief internal conflict is no longer between careerism and ethics, but rather between trusting and doubting herself.
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