81 pages 2 hours read

Make Lemonade

Fiction | Novel/Book in Verse | YA | Published in 1993

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Chapters 56-66Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 56 Summary

Jolly, who never takes drugs, implies that a drug addiction may have contributed to her sleeping with her babies’ fathers. She says, “‘You go smoking that drug […] You end up pregnant/because some guy has some nice high for you’” (154). A few weeks later, when Jolly mentions she once had a “gram” (154), LaVaughn assumes she means drugs—but she actually means a foster mother. Jolly says her Gram cared for her, but that she’s dead now. One of Gram’s previous foster children, now a grown-up, often came back to visit and rototill Gram’s garden. The man’s name was Jeremy, and Jolly named her son after him.

Jolly explains rototilling to LaVaughn: “‘It turns the soil […] You have to rototill. Otherwise nothing grows’” (157). Jolly also remembers how her Gram had a “‘family-tree T-shirt’” (158) with all her foster kids’ names on it, including Jolly’s, and she says how the adult Jeremy was “‘the nicest man’” (158). LaVaughn is surprised to learn that in a way, Jolly did have “folks” (159), but after this brief revelation, Jolly “never says anything more” about them, “ever again” (159).

Chapter 57 Summary

As part of the Moms Up Program, Jolly takes swimming classes with Jilly while Jeremy takes his own separate swimming classes. Jolly and the other young moms joke about how they’re “all/gonna live in Palm Springs/with their own pools and their butlers” (163), but really Jolly is acquiring survival skills, including CPR. In addition to learning more academic, practical skills like “accounting and geography” (164), Jolly studies child safety, and as LaVaughn helps her study, soon both Jolly and LaVaughn know more about how to keep Jolly’s children safe.

Chapter 58 Summary

For school, Jolly must complete a math assignment using her children’s favorite foods: she has to estimate how many Hershey’s Kisses Jeremy will eat in his life. Jolly gets confused, and both girls end up laughing; LaVaughn observes that she and Jolly have been laughing more and more about Jolly’s “Situation[s]” (166), as she calls them. These “Situations” include the fact that “not only 1 but 2 guys got [Jolly] so confused she got pregnant,” and “she thinks that billionaire in the newspaper/is gonna pay her rent” (166). Now, LaVaughn considers that maybe joking about her problems is Jolly’s way of “taking hold” (167), of dealing with her difficulties—although LaVaughn isn’t sure whether it’s the “right” or “wrong way” (167).

As LaVaughn is about to leave, Jeremy studies his lemon pot, singing “‘Lemon blom, lemon blom’” (167). Jolly suddenly turns serious as she contemplates how Jeremy, like all humans, “‘will die someday’” (168). LaVaughn doesn’t know what to say; she thinks that there aren’t “any words” to describe “what Jolly knows and I know and Jeremy don’t” (168).

Chapter 59 Summary

Jolly is excited to tell LaVaughn a story she heard in her Parent Skills class. The story concerns a poor blind woman who treks to the market to buy one orange she’ll divide among her starving children. A throng of “‘bad boys’” (170) trip her so that she falls and loses the orange, but one of the boys apologizes and gives her back her cane and the orange. Yet when she returns home, the woman smells the fruit and realizes the boy replaced it with a lemon. She’s angry with herself for not examining the fruit more carefully when the boy first returned it to her, and Jolly identifies with the woman’s feelings. As Jolly says, “‘you go stumblin’ home,/ all bleeding or however you’re hurt—/and you say to yourself;/Well, gosh, I guess somebody give me a lemon./Ain’t I stupid […] I must’ve deserved it/if I was so stupid not to know’” (172).

Next, the old woman finds a “‘teensy bit’” of sugar (173), mixes it with lemon juice and water, and makes lemonade for her hungry children—and “‘that’s the point’” (173) of the story. LaVaughn feels that Jolly’s story is more effective than her mom, “with all the preaching and huffing” (173), and she wants to hug Jolly but stops herself. Then, on this same day, Jilly walks on two feet for the first time, “not knowing whether she’s gonna fall down/or fly” (174).

Chapter 60 Summary

LaVaughn is “remotivated” (175) after Jolly’s story and decides to teach Jeremy to count. As part of the lesson, she gives him seven lemon seeds, along with a new pot and soil. LaVaughn is sure that because she’s using potting soil and fertilizer, the seeds will grow this time, and she and Jeremy slap each other five—another number Jeremy has just learned.

Chapter 61 Summary

Jolly keeps an eye out for a response from the billionaire she’s written to, as she remains sure he’ll pay her rent. LaVaughn isn’t so convinced, but she thinks that now that Jolly is in school and motivated, “things don’t feel so falling apart around here” (178). While Jolly’s situation is still difficult, at least it isn’t “getting worse” (179).

Finally, a letter arrives from the billionaire, who says that when Jolly sends him a copy of her GED certificate, her “tenacity will be rewarded” (179) and he’ll give her a check. In the meantime, he’s sent a five-dollar check so she can buy something for Jeremy and Jilly. Neither LaVaughn nor Jolly knows the meaning of the word “tenacity,” but they both look forward to the time Jolly will receive her reward.

Chapter 62 Summary

LaVaughn turns from thinking about Jolly’s education to considering her own, and she reminds herself of all the classes she must take so she can attend college and become a teacher. LaVaughn is also interested in the Day Care Apprentice Program so she can learn “communication with little ones” (181); she seems inspired by her connection with Jeremy and Jilly. LaVaughn wishes she could ask her father if she should become a teacher, and if things will all “turn out okay” (182).

Chapter 63 Summary

LaVaughn begins this chapter by saying she’ll “never forget […] the sound in Jolly’s voice” as she says “that one word” to her daughter (183). Jilly is “doing wrong things at the rate of 1 per minute” (183): turning on the stove, ripping her brother’s book, spilling nail polish—before she puts a toy plastic tarantula in her mouth and starts to choke. Jolly “whacks” (184) Jilly’s back and does CPR, yelling for LaVaughn to call 911—but Jeremy is already at the phone, pushing the 9 button before LaVaughn finishes the call for him.

Jilly has passed out and turned blue, and then her pulse disappears. On the phone, the 911 operator tells LaVaughn they should tilt Jilly’s head and open her airway, but Jolly is already doing so—she’s learned how in her CPR class. Jolly continues doing CPR and tells Jilly to “breathe” (188), in “a voice like an animal somewhere out in the dark/all reaching all alone” (188)—the voice that LaVaughn will never forget for the rest of her life.

Finally, Jilly vomits up a plastic spider leg while LaVaughn runs downstairs to meet the ambulance. The 911 responders take Jilly and Jolly to the hospital, and LaVaughn is left alone with Jeremy, “in charge of [his] disappointment” (190) as the boy witnesses a crisis he doesn’t understand.

Chapter 64 Summary

Jeremy and LaVaughn stand “among the onlookers” (191) as the ambulance rushes off, and LaVaughn hears the observers whispering about how hard Jeremy and Jilly’s lives must be with their “ignoran[t]” young mom (191). LaVaughn, however, doesn’t agree: Jolly was able to save her daughter from choking, and how many of these people could do that? Jeremy, meanwhile, helped saved his sister by dialing 9 on the phone.

Back in Jolly’s apartment, LaVaughn cleans up Jilly’s throw-up, but she doesn’t want to stay there and asks her mom if she can bring Jeremy to spend the night. Her mom agrees, and LaVaughn leaves a notes for Jolly and takes the bus home. As Jeremy tells other bus riders what happened, in his understanding—how his sister threw up and his mom hit her and blew on her—LaVaughn thinks how Jolly never stopped fighting to “save her child from dying in front of her on the floor” (193).

Chapter 65 Summary

LaVaughn arrives home and explains what happened to her mom, and her mom tells Jeremy “‘Your mommy she’s a hero’” (196), then picks Jeremy up and spins him around. She tells Jeremy he’s a hero, too, and LaVaughn tries not to “get spiteful” (196) about the way her mother looked down on Jolly in the past.

Chapter 66 Summary

LaVaughn says that sometimes, when she thinks back on her time with Jolly, her most striking memory is of “my mother/whirling Jeremy around in the kitchen/and she’s telling him he’s a hero” (197). LaVaughn goes on to explain that several months have passed, and Jolly has a babysitting pool with another girl in her program, so she doesn’t need LaVaughn’s help anymore. Jolly almost has enough credits to graduate, and the school newspaper printed a picture of her and Jilly, with a caption about Jolly saving her child. Jolly never calls LaVaughn anymore—LaVaughn has “been broken off,/like part of her bad past” (198). LaVaughn now has a new job cleaning a church a few times a week.

One day, Jolly approaches LaVaughn in school and says, “‘You couldn’t guess what come up out of that dirt’” (198). LaVaughn feels her “heart […] stretching” (198) with the desire to reconnect and laugh with Jolly again, but Jolly just explains there’s “‘a little lemon thing’” (199) coming from Jeremy’s pot, before she walks off.

Again, LaVaughn thinks how odd it is of her to remember Jeremy with her own mom, and she “wonder[s] how it would be for Jeremy/in another place” (199), where he’d have matching clothes and even a father. Yet for just a moment, LaVaughn thinks that Jeremy “forgot all the fear and all the hardness” (199) as her mother lifted the young boy in the air, “her mouth wide open and full of praise” (200).

Chapters 56-66 Analysis

In the first of these final chapters, Wolff adds a significant layer to Jolly’s character, as Jolly tells LaVaughn she once had a foster mother who loved and cared for her. The revelation that Jolly once experienced what it’s like to be part of a family makes her adolescence spent completely alone even more poignant. LaVaughn, and the reader, now understand that when teenaged Jolly lived in a refrigerator box, she had already lost a “Gram” who “‘hugged [her], preached to [her], put [her] in bed’” (155). This Gram also taught Jolly about gardening, and one of her adult foster sons routinely came back to rototill the soil of her garden. Jolly learned that “‘You have to rototill. Otherwise nothing grows’” (157), and her words echo LaVaughn’s lesson to Jeremy at the beginning of the novel. LaVaughn told Jeremy that a person has to take care of something in order to make it grow, and it turns out Jolly learned this lesson as a child as well. Now, in the Moms Up Program, Jolly is relearning the idea that one must devote love and effort to something to make it grow.

One of Jolly’s most important realizations in these chapters is encapsulated in a story she hears in school, then retells to LaVaughn—a story about making lemonade out of life’s lemons, with imagery that recalls the lemons Jeremy has been trying to grow throughout the novel. Placed near the end of the novel, this story encapsulates the journeys that both LaVaughn and Jolly have taken throughout the book. Both LaVaughn, by working hard in school and saving money for college, and Jolly, by returning to school herself and learning to become a more capable mother, are making lemonades with the lemons life has given them.

Jolly’s new skills become crucial during the novel’s climactic moment, when Jilly chokes on a plastic toy and Jolly must perform CPR to save her. When Jolly successfully clears Jilly’s airway using the skills she’s learned in her Moms Up classes, LaVaughn—and the reader—finally see for certain that Jolly is a good mother who will do anything for her children, despite the circumstances that have been stacked against her. As LaVaughn says, “maybe before” (191) she would have agreed with neighbors who question Jolly’s parenting skills, but now she wonders “[h]ow many of these neighbors […] could go down on their knees/and save their kid from choking to death/this afternoon” (191).

While rescuing Jilly provides an important turning point for Jolly and her family, it also marks the moment Jolly and LaVaughn begin to separate for good. As Jolly is ready to take on full parenting duties by herself, she doesn’t need LaVaughn’s help any longer, and she pulls away from LaVaughn, who reminds her of a painful past. LaVaughn is no longer a part of Jolly’s family, and so instead she thinks of her own, wishing again that she had a dad she could ask for help and advice as she works toward attending college.

At the end of the novel, LaVaughn maintains the desire for connection that drove her to reach out to Jolly from the very beginning of the novel. When LaVaughn runs into Jolly in the final chapter of the book, LaVaughn’s heart “stretch[es]/like a room wanting company to come on” (198). Jolly, however, doesn’t want to reconnect, and LaVaughn has to content herself with Jolly’s revelation that “‘we got a little green thing, a little lemon thing comin’ up’” (199). Here, the symbol of Jeremy’s lemon pot receives a satisfying conclusion, as the growth Jeremy and LaVaughn waited so patiently for has finally arrived. While LaVaughn herself does not get to see the lemon blossom, she knows that Jeremy and his family have been given new hope.

In fact, Wolff chooses to end Make Lemonade with a twin focus on hope and family, as LaVaughn remembers the image of her mother lifting Jeremy into the air, congratulating the boy for helping to save his sister’s life. In this moment, LaVaughn’s and Jolly’s families come together, and LaVaughn gets a glimpse of how Jeremy might thrive “in another place” (199), with adult parents and all his material needs met. However, while Jeremy must live with “fear” and “hardness” (199), LaVaughn chooses to remember him “in his forgetful joy,” “laughing down at my Mom” as she praises him (200). Thus, the novel ends with hope and the idea that with the love and support of a family—even if it isn’t an idealized, traditional one—the novel’s characters will rise above their challenging circumstances to find “joy.”

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